08 April 2008

You know you are in an emergency when...

There are so many anecdotes that can be said about an emergency in relation to things that don't work, crazy thing happening and so forth. All the below anecdotes are though true...

You know you are in an emergency when...

You hear a gunshot just outside your hotel bar and all people suddenly disappear.
You have 5km to find a toilette and shower even though you are in a town.
You for one week only can find an omelet to be the only edible thing in a town.
You see all the selection in a bar is disappearing in front of you with no replenishment.
You go to the main hotel in town and they serve half your team and then says sorry food finished.
You find yourself on a balcony heating military food rations gazing at military helicopters flying around with searchlights trying to find people who are putting houses on fire.
You have paid 100 USD for a substandard hotel room and still end up sitting outside town sleeping in a car.
You have to try kill about a thousand locusts in your room before you can go to bed.
You have to shovel away a mountain of locusts in front of your bedroom door.
You eat before sunset as the only generator in the place has not worked for 3 months.
You eat fish and rice for lunch and is lucky to find either fish or rice for dinner.
You are happy to sleep in a tent as the ground is shaking from earthquakes every 10 minutes.
You start re-using even your underwear as there has been only bottled water for the last 3 weeks in very limited quantities.

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